You can download all deliverables that have a public status here:

Work Package 1 – Open Calls


D1.1 – Open call documentation 1Click Here to Download

D1.4 – Open call summary report 1  – Click Here to Download

Work Package 2 – Accelerator


D2.1 – Accelerator & training conceptClick Here to Download

Work Package 3 – European Union Prize for Citizen Science


D3.1 – Prize working documentClick Here to Download

D3.2 -Prize Submission ToolClick Here to Download

D3.3 -Publication of Winners in Cycle IClick Here to Download

Work Package 4 – Policy With and For Citizen Science


D4.1 – Guidelines for localising SDG targets – Click Here to Download

D4.2 – How citizen science data can help public institutions and civil society organisations make better local decisions – Click Here to Download

Work Package 5 – Impact and Exploitation


D5.1 – IMPETUS impact assessment methodology and collaterals – Click Here to Download

D5.2 – IMPETUS impact dashboard – Click Here to Download

Work Package 6 – Dissemination and Communication


D6.1 –  Communications Strategy – Click Here to Download

D6.2 –  Project Website- Click Here to Download

Work Package 7 – Project Management


D7.1  – Data management plan v1 – Click Here to Download

Work Package 8 – Ethics Requirements

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