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Nesta is holding the next IMPETUS webinar online on the topic of inclusion and diversity in citizen science

This session will be held online on Wednesday 2nd April, 13:30 – 14:30 CEST.

This one-hour online webinar is a deep dive into the importance of designing for inclusion and diversity in citizen science, sharing practical insights from citizen science initiatives that have been specifically working with different groups for more inclusive citizen science.

This online seminar is for practitioners, local authorities, municipalities, public sector organisations and anyone interested in working with citizen science data. It aims to provide participants with practical resources and insights for using citizen science in their work.

This webinar is part of a series within IMPETUS, a citizen science innovation programme a citizen science innovation programme that aims to bring citizen science closer to society and policymakers and to acknowledge its role in tackling the greatest challenges of our times.

Register here

These webinars will be held monthly. Topics and dates for future webinars include:

Wednesday 30th April 2025- Citizen Science and Women’s Health Showcase – start time: 12:30 GMT (13:30 CET)

Wednesday 25th June 2025 Citizen Science Data Governance and Data Trusts – start time: 12:30 GMT (13:30 CET)